Sunday 9 August 2009

What's your choice?

'You choose to create of your life: an accident or an adventure.'

I love inspirational quotes, sayings, books, anything that makes me stop and wonder for a minute or two.

Life - an accident or an adventure? For me, I like to look upon life as an adventure. I do believe that life is a lovely gift we have and we can influence or maybe I should say choose how we decide to view it and use it. Although at times it may be a little challenging, I find that the challenge and the unknowing makes the living all the more interesting. From the changes and challenges I found that I've learned - about the situation, the people I've encountered and even the experience of the time and situation of that time. Life experiences can be happy, joyous occasions and sometimes sad and painful too. Change often brings with it different emotions and sometimes this is instrumental in shaping the people we are or perhaps I should say, the person I am ... and that's okay.

Life teaches many lessons. It teaches that I don't always need to understand, have all the answers and know everything. That it's really okay 'not to know' or to be unsure or uncertain, as new learning helps personal growth and development. It teaches that it's okay to be overwhelmed every now and again, the learning - sometimes we need to take life a little slower and nurture ourselves. Sometimes we get so busy looking after someone else's needs and requirements, our own needs fall prey to neglect and being ignored.

And you, how are you choosing to create your life?

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