Sunday 29 March 2009

'frescoed angels'

‘frescoed angels’…in the underpass, beautifully mosaiced in the somewhat dull and uninteresting walkway into the town centre. A pleasant sight from the usual graffiti often found in an underground subway… And what of the ‘frescoed angels’? Who are they? Where do they come from? Is this simply a metaphor for people we know, those we encounter in our lives or people we meet on our way into town? People, we know nothing about. People with stories of their own? People with gifts to share?. People with art, talent and creativity that know no bounds, unsure how and where to exhibit their creative skills, abilities and imagination? Perhaps not people as we know people, something or someone else? What was the intention of the artist who created ‘frescoed angels’ - to provoke, to demonstrate a palette of colourful words, to make the reader question and ask, ’what’s that all about then?’ I wonder. Do you? How would you recognise ‘a frescoed angel’? Perhaps you are one. Are you?

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