Saturday 8 May 2010

The Valley Gardens

A couple of years ago I read 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron. It was recommended to me by a colleague I met on a training course. Strange how some books keep cropping up in conversation and 'The Artist's Way' was one of those. In turn, I bought the book and used it as a aid to 'recover my creativity'. I was encouraged to write 'morning pages' every day for several weeks and schedule an 'artist date' for myself every week.

the artist dates are times for receptivity, preplanned solitary hours of pleasurable activity aimed at nurturing the creative consciousness.

I do enjoy writing and always have loved writing ever since I was a little girl. At 5'2" I haven't grown very tall but I do believe that my writing has improved greatly. I must confess it was a challenge making a habit of writing at least three pages of A4 every day, however when I now look back and read it through at times it can be quite enlightening! Writing can be a very therapeutic exercise too, I've found. If you haven't already tried it out do so. It can work wonders if you've had a bad day at the office!

Anyway, the 'artist's date' was something I particularly enjoyed and I visited some delightful places in my quest to 'recover my creativity'. Last week armed with notepad, scribbling pen and picnic I went off to visit The Valley Gardens. I persuaded The Man and his camera to join me. The Valley Gardens is part of The Great Windsor Park and if you have the opportunity to schedule an 'artist date' there I encourage you to do so before all the blossom falls. For those of you unable to make a visit I hope you enjoy the pictures courtesy of The Man and his camera at frasersfotos.

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