Friday 2 October 2020

To Write or Not to Write?

Procrastination Monster whispers in my ear, 

 ‘Check your emails first. Make a cup of tea before you settle down. Remember to write your shopping list. What’s for dinner? Music before you start? You can always write tomorrow, can’t you?’

True, I could but …  

In the other ear, Writing Muse, advises assertively,

‘Write, write, write!  Ignore him.  He’s such a distraction.  You know he loves when you abandon writing time.  Don’t listen to him.  He’ll boast with pride knowing that he has persuaded you to stop.

And she’s right.  Like me, she knows the master of procrastination only too well.  

Usually when we reach this point of inner conflict, she directs my attention to one of the many notebooks on my desk, a travel journal, a book of quotes, a poetry book, the latest writers’ magazine. 

‘Choose a page.  Any page,’ she shouts.

Her invitation is welcome. Writing Muse has a gentleness with her persuasive powers. 

His expertise excels in the dark act of distraction.  Not helpful for a writer.

‘A biscuit, a chocolate biscuit and a cup of tea?, he taunts. ‘Have an another break, just a minute or two before you start. Relax. ’ 

I’ve fallen for his charm in the past and the lure of chocolate is enough to distract any writer.

Her look. My hesitation. His snigger.  We’re getting nowhere fast.

‘Writing time.  Focus. Choose a notebook,’ she insists.

And I do.  My notebook of quotes.  A random page falls opens.

She giggles, as do I.

‘What’s so funny?’ he grumps.

‘Go on, read it aloud, share your writing prompt for today.’

With a little clearing of the throat, I enunciate in finest voice.

‘Procrastination is the natural assassin of opportunity’.
He is not amused.  He slithers off in disgust, muttering as he goes. 
‘Okay, let’s get started’, she says. 

I write … and write ...  relishing the opportunity to write some more.